Unconstrained Fixed income
Our income strategy looks to generate positive income with the potential for capital gains, especially in a low interest rate and increasing inflation rate environment.
We are not “in the box” thinkers when it comes to a bond or income portfolio. We believe that income portfolios have to adapt to changing interest rate environments.
Our income strategy incorporates the best ideas in the income market exploiting opportunities that may arise at inflection points, including market declines and periods of volatility.
Allowable investments include cash and equivalents, treasuries, public debt, preferred stock, high dividend yielding equities and Income producing ETF’s.
We maintain a very well diversified portfolio in income in order to minimize single issue risk.
We are long term focused and strive to fully understand out positions though a diligent investment process. We make buy/sell decisions based on our risk assessment, not on the vagaries of the market.
Individual positions are sold when price has appreciated to the point where the yield benefit has diminished or valuations are fully priced in.
Let’s Work Together
We are an independent, private, family owned investment firm. There are no large wall street firms or banks attached to us telling us what to do. Customer service is our number one priority.